The Classical Turkish Sufi Music Concerts

Sufi Music Concert - Impressionen

Classical Turkish Sufi music choir of the KUDEM: Concert with gentle sounds for mind and soul.

Exklusives Sufi-Musik Konzert - 50 min

Classical Turkish Sufi music choir of the KUDEM: Concert with gentle sounds for mind and soul.

Sufi-Music "Mevlâ Bizi Affede" - Hüseynîli Çârgâh

Classical Turkish Sufi music choir of the KUDEM: Concert with gentle sounds for mind and soul.

Sufi Musik "Mevlâye salli ve sellim dâ'imen ebeda - Kasîde-i Bürde" - Zikir-Şuğul

Classical Turkish Sufi music choir of the KUDEM: Concert with gentle sounds for mind and soul.

Mevlâye salli ve sellim dâ'imen ebeda - Kasîde-i Bürde - Zikir-Şuğul

Classical Turkish Sufi music choir of the KUDEM: Concert with gentle sounds for mind and soul.

Mevlâ Bizi Affede - Hüseynîli Çârgâh

Classical Turkish Sufi music choir of the KUDEM: Concert with gentle sounds for mind and soul.

Salâ - Uşşak

Classical Turkish Sufi music choir of the KUDEM: Concert with gentle sounds for mind and soul.

Na't-ı Nebevî. Yâ İmâme'l Kıbleteyn - Nihâvend

Classical Turkish Sufi music choir of the KUDEM: Concert with gentle sounds for mind and soul.

Etti kalbî mürîdî nûrânî - Nihâvend

Classical Turkish Sufi music choir of the KUDEM: Concert with gentle sounds for mind and soul.